Sunday, July 10, 2011

North Pole, AK

First of all I would like to give a HUGE congratulations to my pick up truck, the Black Beauty, she hit 100,000 miles this weekend. Poor truck.

I didnt do too much exciting things this weekend. Just drove up to North Pole on Friday for my race on Saturday. I was going to stay at one of the two campgrounds in Salcha but they have two bear sows with cubs wandering so I went all the way to Fairbanks. I stayed at Chena River SP IN Fairbanks and it sucked. Any campground that says Free WiFi when you pull in should be an indicator. I had someone attempt to steal my campsite after I already claimed it and it almost turned into an argument until they saw my USFWS jacket in my camping stuff. It was loud the entire night and cars were constantly driving by. It was also taken over by RV's- my favorite. And expensive. I ran in North Pole on Saturday morning at the Santa Clause house and that town is so cute! I am not saying it because one of my blog friends is from North Pole, it really is cute!
Its always Christmas! Caitlin would be in heaven. I liked it too actually!

 The pipeline shows up in random places. This is across the Tanana River by Delta Jct.
 Sounds good to me... just how will i get them home? And get the pee stains out of them. Hmmm.
 This reminded me of when I was younger and I used to convince people that anything with the word Johnson in it my family owned i.e. Johnson and Johnson, SE Johnson... and more. So my family owns this bridge and river. And sign.

 My families river.
Purdy day for a drive eh.

1 comment:

  1. The Riverview RV Park in NP is within walking distance of my house. Not sure if they have tent sites though, but it's very well kept, despite the RV's and they keep a tight rein on everyone in regards to noise. Plus, I would have taken you to Badger Den Bar and Grill for a bite to eat. :) Next time you're up here, see if they offer tent sites at Riverview RV:

    I love the Santa Claus House. And I love having a North Pole address. I have all of my holiday cards postmarked locally. At Christmas they have a fancy cancellation that has a Santa on it and say NORTH POLE in good size letters. My family and friends get a kick out of it.
