Saturday, May 21, 2011


Two posts in one day. Woah.

Did some hiking most of the day today- went towards the Canada border and did the hiking on refuge land just so I know what we have to offer. Stopped at the visitors center where I will be working so I can show you that too! Check it outttttt.

That is the visitors center building- it resembles a trappers cabin. Way nicer than the cabin I will show you in a few pictures.

Pretty cool little food cache next to it. Probably good we have it since we do actually have bear problems haha

View from the deck. How gorgeous!!

Now the first hike I did was by the visitor center. It is less than a mile round trip I feel like but it is to some old trapper cabins...

 They look like they were ransacked by a bear or a tornado. I didn't like them too much!

Seriously they creeped me out. I had the heebee jeebees the entire time.

haha I just thought it was cool how the moss eats your foot. I wouldn't mind sleeping on that.

This is actually the trail I will be developing this year as an interpretive trail and put some signs up on it! Kind of cool, eh?

The next trail I did was the Hidden Lake Trail which is 2 miles round trip mostly on a boardwalk.

 Those mountains are seriously calling my name...
And that is the hidden lake... taken over by beavers.

Below is from one of the road outlook things.

 Just so everyone knows I am still alive I guess I will take self timed pictures. Sorry about my looks... no water.
 Ugh those mountains... so pretty to look at but I swear I am going to need to get closer soon.

 Playing with the settings on my camera!
These are some of the only flowers in bloom right now and they are gorgeous. part of the crocus family and from what I hear they love areas that are newly burned- just like fireweed. (A lot of people burn their yards here to start growth and get rid of the dead grass and right now is the perfect timing for that). I cannot wait till the wildflowers start blooming here because the fields of lupine and fireweed are amazing... just a few more weeks. Within the week I have been here the trees have already started turning green so we are on the right track!

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