Thursday, August 11, 2011

Following the birds...

I seem to be following the migration- I leave this week and the goose are honking up in the sky to go south... I followed them in the spring up north too. Just as long as they don't poop on my car its cool.
 One morning on my way into work... when it was actually sunny for once.

So on Tuesday our FWS Pilot took me and the refuge manager up on the float plane to see the refuge from the air... all 700,000 acres of it- well not really but I mean its huge.

 That pond looks like a heart. How romantic.
This would be from the earthquake a few years ago (along the Denali Fault line) that caused a massive landslide...
Oh hey hydro kids lets talk about braided rivers. Chisana River from where it starts near the mountains...
So much glacial silt deposit.

 Our administrative cabin at Jahtamund Lake (about 40 miles from any entrance point- no trail... no nothing) and Ryan, my boss. Totally awesome cabin if you love peeing in the woods with a cool breeze on your hiny and worrying about bears (below). We also have about 5 snow machines- who knows why- and 4 flat bottoms... haha i would go to this cabin in a second, if only I got in the air earlier in my season.
Angry bears.
 Our new dock that got put in that day at Deadman Lake Campground.
 The U.S. Customs station on the border.... there is a straight up line marking the GROUND on where Canada is and where Alaska is. They really don't want you to get confused.
Our visitors center where I worked all summer from the air... totally hoppin' as you can tell.

 Originally took this picture because the meeting of the Scottie Creek and Chisana River... which looks like coke (scottie) and chocolate milk (chisana) BUT after surveillance we realized there was a sow with 2 cubs hanging out down there... if you can blow the picture up you can totally see them in between the Chisana and that trail!! 
 Les Montagnes. AGH so pretty. Love mountains.
Airs Hill trail which we are currently developing and I got to hike. It is long as heck but you can't see anything and there are bears haha... sweet trail guys.

I literally have so many more pictures but I just don't have the internet capacity to upload them. 
I also didn't puke... in case you were wondering.

"Tetlin base, tetlin base this is interior 90..."
"This is base go ahead 90..."